Ten Unspoken Rules of Mass Transit
10. Mass Transit must move people from one place (entertainment, commercial, or residential) to another (entertainment, commercial, or residential) of a differing type.
9. Mass Transit is a web, not a straight line.
8. Monthly passes must be cheap. Daily transport must be affordable
7. Mass Transit must be accessible
6. Mass Transit must be clean and safe
5. The average transfer rate per trip should be within .25 of 1
4. Zoning laws surrounding stations must maximize pedestrian/carpool access to station
3. Transit corridors should, whenever possible, be established years before actual construction begins.
2. Pedestrian/Bikepaths feed -> Busses feed light rail loop -> light rail feeds intra-city/county lines.
1. Mass Transit must be exciting.
To #2 I'd add Segway to the Pedestrian/Bikepath bit. Obviously this needs to be expanded upon. Meanwhile check out monorails.org for great pictures of the Las Vegas monorail in its testing phase.