Thursday, January 09, 2003

Tom Tomorrow, whose website I read regularly, posts a disturbing image of Japan's latest craze 'Nipple Scarves'. You have to see it to believe it.

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

I'm happy to announce that has been listed in's excellent shop list. I've already received a few visits from the listing as well. Look for a new artist in the coming week or two.

This weekend my step sister Kelly is coming to town with her hubby Steven. He is displaying some audio equipment at CES (which would be fun to explore!). I'll be sure to post a picture as it's been a long time since I've seen them (their marriage, in fact). That's one of the benefits of living in Las Vegas, eventually everyone comes here whether for vacation or business conference.

My brother David links to an article by Joan Didion. In the article Didion examines some of the issues with the Political manipulation of the post 9-11 landscape. She points out many of the illegitimacies of the arguments being made for war and shines a much needed light on a few of the hypocrisies the USA would be committing if we invaded Iraq. What she doesn't do is offer a tangible solution for the problems we are faced with. Nor have I really seen anyone coming up with an alternate stratagy to deal with Isreal, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, all the -stans, Russia's unruly provinces, and the growing threat of Islamic extremists. To say we've made our own bed is certainly true. But sleeping in it will only cause a greater loss of American life.

How do we go back and fix mistakes made 50 years ago, what about mistakes made 500 or 1000 years ago (or more). We can't. We can, however, marshall our non-military forces of democracy for change (this would be education, infrastructure, industry, agriculuture, and arts) and start to work some magic where we can. The number one point of insertion for these forces of democracy should Afganistan. Too long has that neck of the woods been a playground for the Superpowers and oil-mongers. Now we have the opportunity to spend a generation or two doing good for the people of that country. When we're done, no children will be working to make bricks, no women's schools fire bombed, and commerce and democracy will flow from the region. Those who remember the age of Warlords and fighting for territory will be old and powerless against the ranks of educated and free citizens. Before we're done, a dozen countries will be lined up to ditch their dictatorships and enroll America's forces of change.

Until I see proof of its failure, this must be the model for change from now on.