Well, Stacey is off to Norman, Oklahoma (I hope she's not staying at the Bates motel) for a week of training. That means I'm alone to goto physical therapy, list our duplicate items on ebay, job search, and watch the fish and kitty (oh yeah, probably feed them a bit too). Although probably not in that order.
Been thinking of this one book Fall on your knees (amazon) off and on since I visited the canadian pavillion at EPCOT. I have it somewhere in my library (Dave's friend Sophie bought it for me). I suspect I'll have to dig it out and reread it to satisfy whatever keeps bringing it to my attention.
I'm also happy that Star by Star was finally released in paperback. I've been collecting the Star Wars series in paperback for a few years now. But for some reason they released Star by Star in hardback when they hadn't done that for any of the 'New Jedi Order' series. So, I've been waiting 12 months for the paperback version, so I can go on and read the rest of the series, that has already been released in paperback. As of right now, there are 3 books waiting for me to read them. It's tough to resist.