Saturday, March 22, 2003

Another article proclaiming that this is just the first step in a regional quagmire that the U.S. will find itself forced to fight it's way out of. The old adage "never fight a land war in Asia" may yet ring true.
Tacitus's Law -- so true!

Friday, March 21, 2003

Nathan Newman posts that we're dropping napalm on the Iraqis in violation of the UN Commission of Human Rights. In my book napalm is the same as chemical weapons. If this is true, then we need to put a stop to it immediately.
Trishymouse blogs with the unique angle of having Kurdish relatives in Iraq. They are currently unreachable, having fled into the mountians.
Although I've yet to hear it get much news coverage (Print), TV, or weblog), it seems obvious to me that one result of this war should be to provide autonomy to the world's largest ethnic people without a home nation. I speak of course, about Kurdistan. Plenty to read on Google.
P.L.A. - A Journal of Politics, Law and Autism has some insight into the hypocrisy of the Republican congress regarding the right to dissent.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

This post on nicely sums up much of what I'm feeling about the upcoming War, the President, and the state of our nation right now. Just one example, We have a major healthcare provider about to go belly up a la Enron, and no word on the major networks. 2004 might be the U.S.'s only chance to turn the nation around before we totally lose face to the rest of the world.

One more thought. I was watching a military analyst (ex-general) on one of the big three cable news channels this morning. When he started talking about how this war will be different than any other war ever fought his eyes lit up with an eerie sense of glee. I think I've figured out why we're going to war. It's not about removing Hussein, peace in the middle east, or even oil. Those are all just nice side effects. No, it's simply a chance for the U.S. to prove that our toys are bigger and better than yours. That our military might is so great that no one had ever even think about opposing our wishes or the same thing might happen to you.