Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Happy New Year's Eve everyone. I'm looking forward to this year's firework spectacular. However, we'll be viewing it from the very safe distance of Anthem. Too much craziness down on the strip.

I've started up a second blog that focuses on Las Vegas and Nevada. The plan is to link to many of the local journalists and weblogs rather than the local newspapers. My story today lists my top 5 best and worst events of 2002.

Saturday, December 28, 2002

Two "Austin City Limits" broadcasts of note coming soon: Nickel Creek/Ralph Stanley - Dec 28, 11:00PM and Beck - Jan 4, 11:00PM. But Check your local listings.

I hope everyone has survived the holidays so far. I saw on the news that Dorothea and Linda got 30 some inches of snow for a very white christmas. Need any help digging out?

I've been working on GalleryIndigo.com quite a bit. Stacey is working on more eggs, David has some of his photos he plans to send my way, and beginning in January, I expect to have an amazing woodcarver with a variety of great items. However, I'm still looking for new artists. If you're interested please email me.

Sunday, December 22, 2002

All you New York fans check this out. The Beast on the back of a business card.

Friday, December 20, 2002

Must. See. This. Before it's outlawed.
In lieu of a post today, we have a picture from our Honeymoon. This is Simba the lion from Disney's Animal Kingdom having just arisen in the morning.
It's Simba, the lion

Thursday, December 19, 2002

Well, yesterday a mystery package showed up in the mail. It was a very nice gift for Stacey and I from the Pampered Chef. Alas, no hint of who the sender was could be found, nor could Pampered Chef determine the giver. All we know is that it was sent from 'overseas'. If you're the giver of this nice package, please drop me an email and identify yourself so we may send you our thanks.

Monday, December 16, 2002

Went to the post office today to see about shipping some items I've sold on ebay. However, the line was the longest I've ever seen it. Guess I'll be waiting until tomorrow morning to ship those items. The problem with our Post Office is that we share it with another zip code. It's also located in that zip code. I'd very much like to have one built nearby, but that's not likely since the USPS is hemoraging money at the moment and congress is looking at some serious internal surgery to stop the bleeding. I'd settle for a small 'in-store' USPS shipping center, at least that alleviate some of the crowds at the post office. I can't wait until we have to mail out everyone's Xmas gifts, the lines should be really pleasant then.

Saturday, December 14, 2002

Alright, I've moved the website to it's new location. If it works, expect some changes soon.

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Looking to redesign this website a little bit, move it to a new webhost (same one David uses), and get GalleryIndigo.com up and running. I am also busy listing a bunch of 'Star Trek' memorabilia on ebay. The auctions start tonight to take advantage of the rising levels of attention that should come with the release of the latest 'Star Trek' movie Nemisis.

Sunday, November 17, 2002

Apparently Dean Kamen, and his band of workers, have done it again. Also note this weblog with news updated news about the Segway HT (can I have one for Christmas, please?).

Friday, November 15, 2002

Googleshare! Everybody's doing it. You want to do it too.
Ugh. Today was a doozy. It started off with a massage, which was nice as my back still bothers me plenty, and ended with a mad hunt for Stacey's wallet. But before I can tell you where the wallet was found, you must understand a primary concept of the illusionist's art. It's called 'blackspace' or the use of the color black to fool the mind into thinking a space is smaller than it is. Illusionists use this when sawing a person in half, putting blades through a box, making a person disappear or reappear, and even making a bunny come out of a hat. It's a pretty standard trick. The presense of a black band between two solids (like the frame of a box) is interpreted by the mind to be smaller than it actually is. Sneaking a 3 inch gap between two 2 inch frames gives you enough space to hide a slender sexy assistant (sometimes two!).

So...... we knew Stacey last had her wallet with her in the Escalade (she removed it from her pocket because it was uncomfortable). So the search centered around the truck, the garage, and the store. I searched the truck three times and found nothing, called the store twice and no one had turned in the wallet, and tossed the house (twice for good measure) in case Stacey's memory was foggy, still I found nothing. At this point we assumed the wallet was lost forever. We called to order new credit cards, started planning for a mad dash to the DMV to get a new license for Stacey (who is flying to Indiana on Sunday), and figuring out exactly what else would have to be replaced.

Then it was time to go pick Stacey up from work. We made it all the way home before I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. A little piece of black between two beige pieces of car molding. I didn't notice it before because the black space there looked like a normal shadow effect where two pieces of molding would come together. But at some point during the drive, the wallet had slid around and a corner of it poked out from the shadow. I cried "Eureka!" and immediately the two gorillas that had been hanging on our backs ran off down the street.

The lesson, of course, is never remove your wallet from your pants pocket (well unless you need to get money or i.d. (eye-dee?) or something out of it) and remember the secrets you saw when watching Fox's Secrets of Magic Revealed III.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

It looks like I'll be So Cal next week. The driver that hit us in July has another court date and I'm going to be there to make sure the D.A. and the Court understands that we're taking this case seriously. Plus, if he's convicted and sentenced, I'll be able to make a victim impact statement. It may be his first drunk driving conviction, but it is with injury, and it is with two uninsured accidents in his recent past.

Monday, November 11, 2002

A list of net.art sites from a German site. Just becareful, once you start poking around here, you'll find your free time very rare.
Sometimes you find an artists whose work just clicks with your tastes. Here is the work of one artist that I find absolutely wonderful.
BlogChalking is an effort to link all blogs together via one searchable engine and to find blogs from geographically and topically close locations to you. This post is my reminder to go back and add the code when I get a chance.

Sunday, November 10, 2002

I need to write something here. At least so says my brother. So, I'm sitting here waiting for my ebay auctions to close and Stacey to get off work and I have a few moments, so let's see what comes to mind.

The holidays seem particularly short this year with Hanakah coming so close after Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to doing some cooking (as I mentioned before), seeing friends and family, and seeing Disneyland this holiday season. LaughingPlace.com has some great photos of the decorations up right now.

Speaking of holidays, with a great coupon and a sale, we just bought our first fake christmas tree at Sears. I did have to wait over an hour to pick it up while they fumbled around with which store would get the credit for the sale. But now it's waiting for us to set it up and hope everything is okay (unlike last year when we had to return the tree because of lights being out). Over the next few years, we hope to buy a few more trees so we can have all our ornaments out on display at Christmas.

We've also been dining room table shopping (thanks to a generous wedding gift from Stacey's Mom Rhoda) and found the table we want at a price we want. However, getting it delivered in time for Thanksgiving may be a problem. We've also found a bedroom (alas no link on WalkerFurniture.com) set that is a close enough match to our existing chest to complete the set.

Finally, I'm trying to start writing seriously again. I'll post some story ideas later.

Sunday, November 03, 2002

Well, Stacey is off to Norman, Oklahoma (I hope she's not staying at the Bates motel) for a week of training. That means I'm alone to goto physical therapy, list our duplicate items on ebay, job search, and watch the fish and kitty (oh yeah, probably feed them a bit too). Although probably not in that order.

Been thinking of this one book Fall on your knees (amazon) off and on since I visited the canadian pavillion at EPCOT. I have it somewhere in my library (Dave's friend Sophie bought it for me). I suspect I'll have to dig it out and reread it to satisfy whatever keeps bringing it to my attention.

I'm also happy that Star by Star was finally released in paperback. I've been collecting the Star Wars series in paperback for a few years now. But for some reason they released Star by Star in hardback when they hadn't done that for any of the 'New Jedi Order' series. So, I've been waiting 12 months for the paperback version, so I can go on and read the rest of the series, that has already been released in paperback. As of right now, there are 3 books waiting for me to read them. It's tough to resist.

Friday, November 01, 2002

I hate to say I told you so, but I did.
Hope y'all had a Happy Halloween. As far as decorations went, we were in a low ebb this year. However, the flow of children through our neighborhood was about 3 times the volume as last year. Ran out of candy and had to use some of Stacey's haul. (She trick or treats in order to get good candy for decorating the holiday gingerbread house.) We've got bigger plans for next year, so keep a weary eye out.

We had a friend and her daughter over and I enjoyed cooking some selections that I based off of Martha Stewart's classic Hors D'ourves book. I made three pizza's, some mini-quesadillas, and had more food in reserve, but it wasn't needed. Instead we had soy-ginger beef and chicken rolls for lunch today. I think we need to have people over more often so I can cook more.

Stacey and I would really like to set up a monthly dinner that is open to all comers (as long as you give us 72 hours notice) with the only price of admission being a bottle of wine, a folding chair, or a few dollars (to help with the food costs). It may not be five star dining, but it will be good food and good company. (Now they're going live with a restaurant based on the same concept.)

Sunday, October 27, 2002

Whelp. The Angels win the world series for the first time in their 42 year history (perhaps that was the question?). Troy Glaus is walking the World Series trophy around the stadium right now and I know my friends Doobie and Rebekah are there reveling in the glory. Never having been at a world championship game, I wouldn't know. But I imagine it is something like when my High School basketball team won the state championship defeating a long time rival. Only raised by a few factors of magnitued.

I know that the Angels will be touring down Main Street USA at Disneyland in the next couple of days and it's sad to think that I won't be there. Las Vegas is too far away to just jump in the car and drive to the park for an evening. I look forward to seeing photos of the event on LaughingPlace.com and seeing what photos, if any, Rebekah took while at the game.

Saturday, October 26, 2002

Just thought I'd pop in and make a post. Yeah, I'm toying with starting this thing up again. Maybe some redesign.

Stacey and I are happily going through married life and things are pretty good. She'll be travelling a bit in November for training and I'll be job searching. She's happily setting up her power tools in the garage, and I'm anxiously awaiting a chance to use all the cool kitchen gadgets we were given for the upcoming holidays. We're also looking forward to having friends and family over for the holidays. Just one of the many traditions we hope to start for our newly joined families.

Thursday, February 07, 2002