Monday, April 07, 2003

America's new Scapegoats. Very much like the old ones (via tbogg).
I was very saddened to learn that David Bloom of NBC Today show fame died this morning. I knew him like most of America, as a talking head and reporter on TV. But I felt closer to him than I do most reporters, perhaps due to his personality and his position on morning talk shows. Over these last three weeks or so, I followed Bloom's reports with a deep fascination, this man was living one of my dreams (and I'm sure one of his) and doing it with such class and intelligence, that his work would be remembered with a wealth of awards and with incredible historical significance. It's difficult to express how I feel about the loss of this one human. I do recommend you read Partygirl, a blogger I've been following since 9/11, actually met him and shares her very personal story. My best wishes go out to his friends and family. They have experienced a tremendous loss and will not soon recover.

Sunday, April 06, 2003

Again from He links to an important article from Dan Gillmor on how the American public is losing the civil liberties battle. It's all too reminiscint of Orwell's horrible depiction of world gone crazy with doublespeak in 1984.
Thin Ice. Another excellent E-sheep production. While you're there check out Rush Limbaugh Eats Everything. An oldie, but a goodie. (via