Saturday, August 04, 2001


Stacey's cousin, his wife, and their baby are staying with us for just over a month. They've bought a new house, and are renting out their old one. There is a month or so of overlap between occupancy and when the renter needed to move in. So we've got house guests.

It never works out perfectly. They're always just a little too messy, too loud, or have too much stuff, than you'd like. And with family, it's tougher. So we're making the best of it, but as i said, "It's never perfect."

Thursday, August 02, 2001

Don't have much to say today... except to say congrats to on its two year anniversary yesterday (okay, so I'm a day late and more than a dollar short). It's been a fun two years and I hope to be around 18 years from now when we're celebrating being Almost Legal like MTV was yesterday. Kinda of a weird birthday to share, don't you think?

Monday, July 30, 2001

Come buy a t-shirt

Do you have yours yet? no... Well, the T-shirt is a must have. Five, count'em five, lovely colors embroidered on a perfectly swell Ash Grey T. Help support the best independant Disney web site and yours truly.

Stacey's friend Trina had a brial shower (read bachelorette party) this weekend. While Stacey played I watched Barrage, for whom I used to have a fan website, perform at Disneyland. When closed up shop, they also stopped supporting the free websites that Barrage(d) was hosted on. So I'm looking for a host site, but not seriously as I don't have the time to update the HTML code. Not until I get a steady job here...

Anyway, it was great to see them and I hope to see them when they come to Vegas... no word on dates yet. But it should be for an extended stay.

Oh well, back to faxing resumes... email me