Friday, January 05, 2001


Only took 20 minutes to get into work today. Took my little Saturn in to get some repairs and was able to take advantage of the carpool lane. Boy-o-boy, I'm thinking of making Stacey drive me to work everymorning. Sorry Hon.

I'll be in Lost Wages this weekend scoping the place out. So no updates for a few days. We're trying the new Sunset Station, the flagship of the station casino's and also the closest to Stacey's cousins. Looking forward to a few days of getting away.

So y'all have a great weekend and I'll see you on the b-side.

Thursday, January 04, 2001

Thursday Thoughts

Driving in to work this morning I caught myself getting mad
at this driver cutting ahead of traffic. Then I got upset at
myself for getting angry. I'm trying to take the art of
driving less seriously and not get so upset if someone else
just has to be a selfish asshole and abuse the rules of the
road. There is nothing I'm going to do that will change these
abusers minds or make them stop taking advantage of those who
are following the driving rules, so why worry about it. But I
still can't help getting a little pissed at them.

This morning's instance has a slightly different moral. It
occurred right by the parking garage I use downtown. It's a
place where two lanes merge into one that has to make a
right hand turn. Typically those who use the right lane only
use it to enter the parking garage Before
the right hand turn. Those who need to go around the building
wait patiently in the left hand lane leaving the right side
open for those who need to get into the first garage. But it
is still technically within the rules of the road to zoom on
ahead in the right hand lane and then merge at the last
minute before making the right hand turn. Keeping it open is
just a nicety we drivers extend to each other during the
morning drive.

So this morning I see someone take advantage of this nicety
and zoom up the right hand lane to cut in. At first it upsets
me. I wonder what gives them the right. But then I catch
myself and admit she's still following the rules of the road.
All she's really doing is cancelling out our nicety which she
is not obliged to obey at all.

Still, I can't help wish that more people would offer up
these little moments of niceness. They make the day so much
more pleasant.

Wednesday, January 03, 2001

My latest Dispatch is up on At the bottom of it is a link to a photo of Walt Disney and my grandfather, Vic Greene. Vic was an Imagineer, and although I have no memories of him, I do have stories, and feel closer to him and his works through being at Disneyland. Weird huh!

Disneyland Resort opened their latest hotel The Grand Californian last night and I was there. There are some photos Doobie and I took.... I suspect a review I wrote will be up later this week. I'm looking forward to spending many days and nights at the new hotel, it's simply marvelous.

Hey. I also updated Barraged -- A fansite today. It has new pics of the Euro and Canadian casts, some additional links to fan sites, and a few links to top selling books on Fiddling on Amazon.

Tuesday, January 02, 2001

Oy. A new year already. I'm still digesting the old one. The question is will this be a dessert course or another entree.

2001 seems destined to have more drama and intensity than a Stanley Kubrick film. There are some major life changes in store for me (and for Stacey if my plan comes together *wink*). Disneyland is opening another themepark. We get a new party in power in DC. We have an economy that is getting testy. We have new census data and a new face of america that is more mullato than any single genre. We still have the media, the entertainment cartels, the drug war, the pollution, the crime (although that has gotten better), the world crisis du jour, and enough apathy to fill a black hole. Very interesting ingredients which are sure to create some interesting flavors when stirred up.

Enough prognosticating. I had a very wonderful new years eve, I hope you did too. Stacey and I spent it with friends at Disneyland (although a good friend wasn't feeling well and couldn't join us as I had hoped). Then we slept a little and went right back to the resort for a first look at Downtown Disney, a shopping, dining, entertainment area that just opened up between the Disneyland Hotel and the entrance to the park.

Must say my initial review of Downtown Disney is very positive. As you can see from the pictures on they have really out done themselves on the decor for The World of Disney. Inside and outside the place looks great. Sure, a lot of the merchandise is just repeats of stuff you can get elsewhere in the resort. However, there are a number of sections in the store with downtown disney exclusive and other unique articles. Of note is the 'Disney Presents' line that is entended as a double entendre ... most of the products work good as a gift (present) to someone. The product line ranges from executive products to gift items. There is also a new line of baby stuff that is to die for.

The staff was a different matter. There were lots of first day adjustments going on and some cast members that needed additional training. But I'm confident they'll work that out. Hopefully, they'll keep the opening day level of staffing too.

We ate at three locations yesterday. Rainforest Cafe for dinner (which surpassed my very low expectations... but is more touristy than resort food), Brennen's Creole Cafe -- the takeout part of Brennen's Jazz Kitchen (which was good, but again the recipes have been adjusted to meet the pallate of the lowest common denominator), and Hagen Daz (which was good as always). I look forward to more locations opening up soon!!!

Walking and Eating at Downtown Disney led us to the conclusion that Disneyland has finally become a world class resort destination. (Well, minus a world class spa and hot springs... but other than that :-) ) It feels nice to have it all finally coming together.

See you all there.