Wednesday, June 06, 2001


Today is the anniversary of D-Day. Seeing as how I just watched 'Saving Private Ryan' I thought I'd watch 'The Longest Day' -- The other seminal D-Day flick. While the pure horror of war as brought to you through SPR was much more graphic, TLD had is fair share of horrifying moments as well. TLD definately was more of a patriotic rally the troops kind of fare. Made me want to bleed Red White and Blue. In the end, SPR was a story about how important it is to live your life the best you can everyday of your life.

I'd hate to see any warfare on the epic scale that was brought to us in WWI and WWII. But on the otherhand evil on the scale of Hitler and Japanese agresssion has to be stopped. For America to sit idly by for as long as it did probably resulted in millions of extra deaths. But you can't armchair quarter back these sorts of things. The best you can do is just learn your lessons and move on. Then hopefully you will be better at preventing these sorts of outbreaks of oppression and what-not in the future.

Which brings me to a tragedy that is ongoing in the world right now. The Taliban in Afganistan. As of late, they've taken to making anyone who isn't a strict follower of islam wear an identifying tag or color of clothes. Sound familiar? I don't think enough attention has been paid to this corner of the world... I really fear that before I die the conflict will grow to such horrendous proportions that D-Day and Pearl Harbor will be made to look like simple foreshadowing.

I hope I'm wrong.

Tuesday, June 05, 2001


I seem to have turned into a Movie review site... Hmmm. Stacey and I went to see Shrek a second time. See if there were more in jokes and parodies we might have missed. There were... in fact, there were so many, one really needs to get the DVD (which I hope is packed with kewl features) and pause the frame at the interesting spots.

Another thing we've noticed here in Lost Wages, the audiences are less sophisticated when it comes to movie humor than your typical Los Angeles audience. Many times Stacey and I are laughing at completely different places than the locals out here. I wonder if that will change once a few movie studios open up out here (they're in the works) and the industry moves a little east.

Sunday, June 03, 2001

Pearl Harbor

Go see it. At least once. It's a good film despite what the critics say. It is not, however, a classic for the ages. Which is too bad, because the directors work so hard to make it so. What it is is a good love triangle story, albeit a bit predictable, and some incredible special effects. Together they combine to really drive home the horror of what happened at Pearl Harbor.